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Derby Tango Datess 2025.png

Derby Tango was developed as a community group to advertise any events, workshops, lessons and anything else connected to the Argentine Tango dance in Derby and surrounding areas.


We run a practica twice a month on the first and third Sunday of each month where we facilitate occasional Tango workshops.  At the practica we encourage you to follow the traditional way of dancing tango, eg please stay in the Ronda when dancing and respect other dancers on the floor.  Beginners are encouraged to use the centre of the Ronda for individual practise. It's a great place to practise and perfect your cabeceo technique.


We try to bring in teachers from different parts of the world.  For example maestros have visited from Argentina, Spain and the UK.


Learners are expected to have learnt the basics of the dance through classes before attending the workshop and the practicas.


The money from the praticas (after expenses) is returned to  the group via  the Tango workshops arranged at special prices and the remainder donated to the chosen charity at the end of each year.


Anyone is welcome to join us in Derby at the practicas & lessons no matter where you are on your Tango Journey.  


We are a very friendly and welcoming group.


Check out my blog for more information about what happens in Derby and Nottingham area.


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